
Lyra is dedicated to providing a safe way for users to send and receive messages, and in order to achieve that goal, we do not permit certain types of content or messaging on our platform.

This Fair Use Policy is meant to ensure that our users stay protected. All capitalized terms used herein without definition will have the same meanings set forth in Lyra's Terms of Service available at, into which this Fair Use Policy is incorporated.

Lyra reserves the right to impose limits and charge overages on your usage of the Services or to terminate your use of the Services at any time in our discretion. Lyra will do so if we reasonably believe that your usage, including, but not limited to, the total number of text messages you send, the number of minutes you use, and/or the number of devices you use are not consistent with normal, fair, and reasonable use of the Services, or breach any rules in this Fair Use Policy.

Whenever reasonably possible, we will give you written notice of your excess usage or breach of the rules contained herein before taking any such action, and allow a reasonable period to allow you to modify your use.

Rules for Messaging on Lyra

Customer shall not use the Service to send: